About Acme - The Bad Version
Acme's Place in History
Acme Widgets is best known for its role in the Roadrunner cartoons. Acme has proudly provided genius widgets to help the coyote capture the roadrunner. While our widgets are fabulous, the low success rate is certainly due to user error.
Here's an interesting tidbit, not everybody roots for the Roadrunner. This graph shows the breakdown.
This is a sample page that includes many errors commonly associated with article pages. Automated testing should trigger an assortment of issues. Here's a list of elements within this page:
* Pseudo unordered list (this one)
* Pseudo ordered list
* Pseudo Definition lists
* Pseudo Headers
* Headings out of order
* Pseudo link
* Pseudo blockquote
* Image without alt attribute
* Active image with empty alt text
* Inline tags: marquee, blink
* Input type image without alt attribute
* Title attribute missing
* Lang attribute missing
* Doctype html is missing
* Image map without alt text

Ordered and Definition Lists
Help make Acme better
Does that last list confuse you? Here's what it means.
GitHub is an online collaborative tool that allows people to share code, suggest changes, and propose solutions.
GitHub Flow is a lightweight, branch-based workflow that supports teams and projects where deployments are made regularly. This guide explains how and why GitHub Flow works.
Github Guides
Download the code and prepare to version of the project.
Pull Request
Ask the project manager to include your code patch into the project.